Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I’m not sure about you, but this winter season seems to never end!!! We began our Simple Machines Lego unit on Monday. The students explored gears and how to make them turn faster and different directions. Today, students were challenged to create a Merry-Go-Round. One of our rules is that our Legos need to stay on our kit cover so that we don’t lose pieces. I have been a stickler at making kids follow that rule since the pieces in these kits are SO tiny and blend in really well with the carpet.

Yesterday the magnet evaluators came and observed us learn about creating snow pictures using the Picturing Writing Process. After they visited, Teresa, our Magnet Facilitator told them that our class was a looping class and they said that they could tell and were really impressed with the students. Yay!!! In math, we learned about perimeter and calculated the perimeter around our classroom. In reading, we learned about taking responsibility and also when to use “I” and “me” in our writing. Ann Luke came and taught us all about fruits and vegetables that are red. At the end, we got to taste test “healthy pop” which is made of one container of 100% frozen juice and 2 liters of bubbly water (NO SUGAR!!). It was delicious!

Today, we continued to practice “I” and “me” and discussed our MAP goals for the end of the year. The students had a good idea of putting their end of the year goal on their desk to remind them to slow down and do their best. We visited the library and practiced picking out “good fit books” using the 5-finger rule (if you read a page and don’t know how to read 5 of the words, it is too hard). In math, we learned about measuring longer distances using the mile. We also practiced 2 digit addition and subtraction. At the end of the day, we met with or kindergarten book buddies. Our healthy snack this week is cherry tomatoes and basil.

Hopefully the snow won’t cause too many problems for tomorrows commute. Be sure to dress your child appropriately.


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