Thursday, September 6, 2012

Take A Break

Hip Hip Hooray for another great day!
Today, 2nd graders took the first part of their math pre-assessment. We also worked on handwriting and introduced the Take A Break Chair. The students practiced taking breaks today and we will continue to practice tomorrow. 

The Take A Break Chair is not a punishment-it is where students go when they need time to regain self-control. If a student takes a break more than one time in a day, they will fill out an I Care Plan that will be brought home and will need to be signed by an adult and returned the next day. If a students’ behavior continues while in the chair, the student will be sent to the “Buddy Room” where they will fill out the I Care Plan and I will get them when it is time to return. If in the event that the Buddy Room is not effective or students are in danger, the child will meet with the guidance counselor or principal. Hopefully the students will not get to the point of even the Buddy Room.

We continue to model & practice daily routines and will continue to practice these routines as needed. This will prevent any negative behaviors during the routines in the future, therefore reducing the use of the Take A Break Chair & Buddy Room.

Thank you for all of your support thus far!

Previous Morning Messages:

Our Class :)
Hopes & Dreams

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea, is good because the kids theirself can do their job everyday with a goal and to the end of the year they can do a evaluation about if they reach their dreams or wishes!!
