Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Zoomers & Twirlers

Happy Tuesday-
On Friday, Students had a blast with the Zoomers during our Balance and Motion Science Unit. Some of the kids got them to work right away while it took others a little while to figure them out. They were tricky! I have a picture of the zoomers on my ipad, but for some reason it doesn't want to upload. 
Also on Friday, our Strawberry reading group performed a Reader’s Theater for the class. It was very funny and opened up a great discussion about bugs, people, and treating others the way we want to be treated.

Students have been working very hard during Daily 5. I have been trying to find a good method of how to keep track of what centers the students get to each day and how to make sure that they get to Read to Self and Word Work every day. Yesterday, I introduced a “Daily 5 Checklist”. Students keep track of the centers they go to by marking the box under the day of the week that correlates with that center. After Daily 5, I go around and check each checklist and make sure that centers were marked. So far, it seems to be working well.

Today, students made Twirlers in Science. We observed how different twirlers move and what makes them move differently.

In writing, we began changing our animal report notes into sentences. Today, we did the characteristics of our animals. Tomorrow, we will focus on the habitat.

Tomorrow Khandy will return and teach the children about 2 more pieces of artwork that they will see at the MIA on Friday. We will also visit the library to check out new books. At 1:30 every Wednesday, starting tomorrow, we will meet with our brand new book buddies! Mrs. Farrell’s kindergarten class will be buddying up with our 2nd grade class and will read for 20 minutes together. Sometimes, we will have activities and games for the students to play, but the students will mostly be reading together.

Have a wonderful evening!

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